Miss C’s Boudoir Testimonial | Still Speechless After Two Sessions

Miss C’s Boudoir Testimonial

Still Speechless After Two Sessions

We at Holly Douglas & Co. believe that EVERY woman should experience a boudoir photoshoot at least once in her lifetime. We love empowering women and boosting their self-confidence through the art of boudoir photography! Of course, people expect to hear that from us, the boudoir photographers, because we do this for a living. Boudoir testimonials written by our past clients who have actually experienced a boudoir session, on the other hand, are the most convincing! For this reason, Holly Douglas & Co. proudly features a new boudoir experience testimonial blog each week.

This week's boudoir experience testimonial comes from the gorgeous Miss C., who was photographed at our luxury boudoir studio in downtown Nashville, Tennessee!

Tell us about yourself.

I am 42 years old, no pets, no plants, no kids. It's all I can handle to take care of myself! Personally, I'm a hot mess but I'm funny with a cute face - it's all about balance. Professionally, I am a safety coordinator for a steel company. Safety is my passion. I love what I do & my company that lets me do it.

How did you hear about Holly Douglas Boudoir?

I heard about Holly Douglas Boudoir several years ago. My friend posted an absolutely gorgeous photo from her shoot & I've been enamored since then.

Why did you choose Holly Douglas Boudoir for your session?

I choose Holly for the quality of her work. The photos shared were beautiful, glamorous, natural, tasteful, & HOT, HOT, HOT! A complete work of art! The best way I can describe it, Holly's work didn't have the look or feel of the earlier years glamour shots. Hair, make up, lingerie/clothing, sets, everything was contemporary.

What made you decide to take the leap of faith and do a boudoir session?

It took a bit to work up the courage to book my own session. I was going through a rough patch of life & decided on the fly boudoir photos were the thing I needed to bring me out of the funk.

Were you nervous about the shoot beforehand? If so, what were you most nervous about?

My first session with Holly, I was really nervous. I was concerned that I was spending money for this experience & pictures but would it be worth it? Would my shots be as beautiful as what I'd seen posted? There was no way she could make ME look like a model! I felt Holly would do the best she could but I just knew my shots would feel awkward & unnatural. I was not nervous for my second session with Holly. My nervousness was the result of trying to decide what lingerie would look the best on me & if I'd find the studio & not be late for my session.

Did you become more comfortable after the session started? If so, what helped to relax your nerves?

Holly. Just Holly. I was worried I would be late and I was because I did not read directions very well. When I arrived & met Holly for the first time it was like being with a good friend. She made conversation, showed me around the studio, looked through the lingerie I brought, asked about my preferences, & described what to expect. Holly has a calming & peaceful nature that puts you at ease. For the second session my nerves relaxed when I showed up ON TIME with a whole bag of lingerie, bras, & panties!

What was your favorite part of the experience and why?

My favorite part of my first session was the reveal! I didn't look like an 80's glamour shot model at all! I was shocked. The shots were beautiful! My favorite part of my second session...EVERYTHING! I was able to enjoy the entire experience without the nerves & just live in the moment.

How did you feel during your session?

Beautiful. Sexy. Free. Annddd a little awkward. Modeling ain't easy! I should have done more stretches before my session.

Describe how you felt when you saw your images for the first time.

In awe! Speechless. It was hard for my brain to process, that's MY BODY in those pictures!


How has your relationship with your body changed since your session?

My first session was a definite confidence boost. I never knew I could look like THIS but here we are! I was going through a rough patch when I scheduled my first session & life didn't get any better for several months after my session. The confidence & constantly looking at these works of art helped me through many low days. My second session reaffirmed that I, without a doubt, am a bad bitch!

What would you say to people who say they can't do a boudoir session because they are too shy, nervous, etc?

Can't never could. Won't never will. When I talk to someone about my session & hear this, I ask why - I won't be pretty. I have cellulite & fat rolls. I can't strike a pose. Or whatever the response may be. Well...I thought or felt the same way. I'm just a clumsy, average girl with the same fat rolls, cellulite, & insecurities. It's an amazing experience you won't soon forget & you'll have pictures for the times you need help remembering that you are a special, strong, beautiful woman! Speak up if you're shy or nervous. Holly & her staff will help, but they can't help unless they know of the issue.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I have a love / hate relationship with my body. I was always the fat kid. I weighed over 300 pounds when I graduated from high school & then gained almost 100 pounds in the first few years after high school. In my early 20s I started to change my lifestyle a little at a time. I started going to the gym even though I hated everything about the gym. Instead of a diet I controlled portions. If I had a craving for chocolate cake, I had chocolate cake...but only a piece instead of the whole cake. Life happens & over the next 20 years my weight fluctuated widely. Each time my weight went up I told myself, NO! I would go back to the gym & controlling portions. In 2021, I was down 175 pounds from my heaviest weight. I decided it was time to remove some of the extra skin so I could see the muslces I had worked so hard to make. November 2021 I had a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck. November 2022 I had an extended arm & breast lift. January 2023 I had lipo 360 & upper thighs. I needed this session for myself, for my own peace of mind, & to know that the image I see in the mirror is really ME!


Thank you for sharing this boudoir experience testimonial, Miss C.!


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